The AB-SSD Distinguished Research Award in Dysphagia is given to a speech-language pathologist who presents a scientific paper at the Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting for topics related to swallowing function and disorders.
2021 Georgia Malandraki, BS, MA, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S - Feeding skills and eating efficiency are reduced in self-feeding school-aged children with unilateral CP: An unrecognized
2020 Asako Kaneoka, PhD, The University of Tokyo Hospital Rehabilitation Center - Longitudinal videofluoroscopic evaluation of swallowing with MBSImP™ in patients undergoing esophagectomy
for esophageal cancer.
2019 James Curtis, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S,Teachers College, Columbia University - Effects of Verbal Cueing and Bolus Holding on Respiratory Swallow Coordination in Parkinson's Disease.
Clarence T. Sasaki MD, The Charles W. Ohse Professor of Surgery at the Yale School of Medicine, has had a long-standing interest and experience in physiological research of the larynx serving as Director of The Yale Larynx Laboratory since
1973. The Sasaki award is given to an M.D. or M.D. candidate who presents a scientific paper or poster at the Dysphagia Research Society Annual Meeting on topics related to swallow function and disorders.
2022 Derrick Randall - Validation of the ‘jet phenomenon’ as a predictor of surgical treatment response in cricopharyngeus muscle dysfunction.
2021 Anaïs Rameau, MD, Phil, New York, NY - Disparities Research in Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: A Scoping Review.
2020 Bina Tariq, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Limburg - Is it safe to use methylene blue during FEES? A systematic review.
2019 Shaina Lynch, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Swallowing Against Laryngeal Restriction (SALR) Exercise Technique Significantly Increases the Duration
of UES Opening in both Healthy Elderly and Dysphagic Patients.
Dr. Jerilyn "Jeri" Logemann was a pioneer in research related to dysphagia. In 1996 she founded the Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinical Trials Research Group (CSDRG). The goal of CSDRG is to advance the scientifically-based assessment
and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders. This award honors her career and memory by seeking applications from students who are conducting research to further the evidence-base of the profession.
2020 Nicole Herndon, MS, CCC-SLP, University of Florida Health Rehab Center, Gainesville, Florida - Oropharyngeal Swallowing Safety and Efficiency Profiles in Parkinsonism: A Retrospective
2020 Isuru Dharmarathna, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand - Profiling swallowing in infants with feeding difficulties through objective video-fluoroscopic measures.
2019 Danielle Stone, University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia - Mechanisms of Perceived Swallow Change Post Whiplash: Potential for a Muscle Tension.
The Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) New Investigator Awards are given to two eligible participants. Applicants may reside in any country and represent any profession. Each participant must have submitted a scientific abstract and been
accepted for an oral presentation as part of the DRS Annual Meeting. Once the participants receive notification that their presentations have been accepted, they will be notified by the review committee to submit: a) a two-page, double-spaced
summary including data, and b) a CV. Two papers will be selected for oral presentation during the New Investigators’ Forum.
First Place
2022 Brittany Krekeler, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH - An Epidemiological Investigation of Factors Related to the Development of Dysphagia After Stroke.
2021 Lauren Tabor-Gray, Fort Lauderdale, FL - Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Swallowing Kinematics in Individuals with ALS.
2020 James Curtis, Columbia University, New York - Respiratory-Swallow Coordination in Parkinson's Disease: Comparing held and Non-Held Bolus Swallows.
2019 Mstayka Schar,Flinders Medical Centre, Australia - Association Between Disordered Swallowing and Duration of Oral Endotrachael Intubation in Critically Ill Patients: A High-Resolution
Pharyngeal Manometry Study.
Second Place
Cara Donohue, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL - Comparison of Validated Outcomes of Swallowing Efficiency: Perceptual Ordinal DIGEST Versus Quantitative Pixel-Based ASPEKT Ratings of Pharyngeal Residue
2021 Isuru Dharmarathna, Auckland, North Island, New Zealand - Quantifying bolus residue and its risks in children: A videofluoroscopic study.
2020 Heidi Kletzien, Harvard University, Cambridge - Tongue Exercise Improves the Regenerative Capacity of Aged Tongue Muscle Stem Cells.
2019 Rachel Mulheren,PhD, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio - The Effect of Attention on Swallowing in Healthy Individuals: An Exploratory Study.
The Gold Medal is to be awarded in recognition of unusually distinguished service and/or contributions to the Dysphagia Research Society over a sustained period of time.
This award is open to all disciplines and is specifically targeted for swallowing research in patients with head and neck cancer. An award will be presented to BOTH an oral presenter and a poster presenter.
Oral Presentations
2022 Margot Baudelet, MS - Increasing adherence to prophylactic swallowing exercises during head and neck radiotherapy.
2021 Emma Charters, Camperdown, Sydney, Australia - Swallowing and Communication Outcomes Following Primary Transoral Robotic Surgery.
2020 Heather Starmer, Stanford Cancer Center - Stanford, CA - Adaptation of Dynamic Imaging Grade of Swallowing toxicity (DIGEST) for Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing:
2019 Jared Cullen, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin - Sensate Versus Asensate Flap Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity with Objective Measurements of Tongue Strength and
Function in a Rat Model.
Poster Presentations
2022 Nicole Schaen-Heacock, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin - Impacts of radiation, chemotherapy, and exercise intervention on bolus dynamics in translational
rat model.
2021 Junko Nakajima, DDS., PhD, Ichikawa-shi, Japan - Evaluation of 3-dimensional hyoid bone movements using 320-ADCT in patients after hemiglossectomy and neck dissection.
2020 Laurelie Wishart, The University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia - Association between objective ratings of swallowing and dysphagia-specific quality of life in patients
receiving (chemo) radiotherapy for oropharyngeal cancer.
2019 Carly Barbon, Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, University of Toronto, Ontario - Changes in Swallow Safety and Efficiency After Radiation in Patients with Oropharyngeal Carcinoma.
Dr. Justine Joan Sheppard was an internationally renowned clinician, academic, and clinical researcher who devoted her life to working with and for individuals with intellectual and developmental disability and cerebral palsy. This award
honors her career and memory by seeking applications from investigators (at all levels) who are conducting research to further advance our understanding of dysphagia in individuals with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD)
across the age span.
2022 Cheryl Hersh, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts - The effectiveness of slightly thick liquids for improving swallowing safety in bottle-fed infants.
2021 Madeline Raatz, Red Hill, Queensland, Australia - Inter-rater reliability, parent perception and clinician satisfaction with bottle feeding assessments conducted via telepractice.
2020 Isuru Dharmarathna, The University of Auckland, New Zealand - Profiling swallowing infants with feeding difficulties through objective video-fluoroscopic measures.
2019 Nobukaza Tanaka, Division of Oral and Facial Disorders, Osaka University Dental Hospital, Japan - Relationships Between Swallowing Frequency and Swallowing Function in Cerebral
Palsy Patients with Severe Intellectual and Physical Disabilities.
(NATIONAL FOUNDATION OF SWALLOWING DISORDERS AWARD) The National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders (NFOSD) Award is open to any individual impacted by or serving those with a swallowing disorder, including but not limited to: healthcare
providers, persons with dysphagia, and their families. It is specifically targeted to swallowing disorder advocacy, activism, and volunteerism within a clinical or community setting.
2022 Maggie Donaker, MS, CCC-SLP - Interprofessional Collaboration in the Fluotoscopy Suite.
(NATIONAL FOUNDATION OF SWALLOWING DISORDERS AWARD) The National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders (NFOSD) Award is open to all disciplines and is specifically targeted to revolutionary translational research with the greatest likelihood
of directly benefiting the patient/caregiver.
2022 Samantha Shune, PhD, CCC-SLP, University Oregon, Eugene, OR - In vivo behavior of transitional foods as compared to pureeds: A videofluroscopic analysis.
2021 Cagla Kantarcigil, Chicago, IL - Identifying Respiratory-Swallow Patterning and Lung Volume at Swallow Initiation Using a Wearable Tri-Axis Accelerometer.
2020 Gabriela Constantinescu, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta - Objective Adherence Measures to Swallowing Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Using a Mobile Health
System: A Clinical Feasibility Trial.
2019 Barbara Messing, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head and Neck Center, Johns Hopkins Voice Center, Baltimore, MD - Hyposalivation and Xerostomia Post Head and Neck
Cancer: Changes and Impact on Eating Over Time.
The People's Choice Awards were new in 2021 for the Virtual Annual Meeting. Attendees were asked to vote on their favorite sessions during the meeting and winners were taken from the top 2.
Invited Sessions Catriona Steele, PhD, MHSc, CCC-SLP, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Issues to consider in the measurement of Penetration-Aspiration in clinical and research contexts
Michael Pulia, MD, MS, Madison, WI - Covid-19 Epidemiology: Transmission and Infection Control
Poster Presentations Pooja Gandhi, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Comparison of Lingual Pressure Generation Capacity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease and Healthy
Sonja Molfenter, PhD, CCC-SLP, New York, NY - Prophylactic pharyngeal strengthening program in healthy older adults: Preliminary findings
Oral Presentations Renata Mancopes, PhD, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - Defining Presbyphagia: Age-related changes in healthy swallowing.
Cagla Kantarcigil, Chicago, IL - Identifying Respiratory - Swallow Phase Patterning and Lung Volume at Swallow Initiation Using a Wearable Tri-Axis Accelerometer.
The annual meeting includes scientific paper sessions throughout the course of the meeting. Typically the DRS provides first, second and third place award certificates for best overall oral presentations.
First Place
2022 Suzanne King, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY - Alterations in profibrotic and stress markers after radiation to the submental muscles in the rat.
2021 Linda Rowe, MC, CCC-SLP, Madison, WI - Respiratory-Swallow Coordination in a Rat Model of Chemoradiation.
2020 James Borders, Columbia University, New York, New York - Immediate Effects of Sensorimotor Training in Airway Protection (smTAP) on Cough Outcomes in Progressive Supranuclear
2019 Emily Plowman, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida - Internal Validation of the Physiologic Risk Index for Swallowing Impairment (PRISM).
Second Place
2022 Catriona Steele, Toronto Rehab University Center, Toronto, Ontario - Defining Reference Percentiles for Quantitative Videofluoroscopic Measures of Swallowingy.
2021 Maryann Krasko, Madison, WI - Swallowing and gastrointestinal deficits in the Pink1-/- rat model of Parkinson disease.
2020 Samantha Shune, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon - The influence of dyadic incongruence on dysphagia-related burden among spousal caregivers of stroke survivors.
2019 Lauren Madhoun, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio - Relationships Between Maternal Stress Indices and Feeding and Growth in Infants with and without Cleft Lip
and/or Palate.
Third Place
2022 John Russell, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI - The effect of chemoradiation on the rate of force development in the rat tongue.
2021 Xiaojing Sharon Wu, - Identifying the barriers and enablers to implementation of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) and provision of Texture
Modified Diets (TMDs) in New Zealand age-care facilities.
2020 Kailey Vitale, Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts - Development of a Risk Stratification Tool to Predict High-Risk Nonadherence to Device-Facilitated Dysphagia Rehabilitation.
2019 Heather Pyke, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York - Parents' Experiences of Feeding, Swallowing, and Nutrition in Children Receiving Palliative Care.
The annual meeting includes scientific poster presentations. Typically the DRS provides first, second and third place award certificates for best overall poster presentations.
First Place
2022 James Borders, MS, CCC-SLP, Mount Vernon, NY - Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training in Cough Peak Flow.
2021 Raele Robison, PhD, CCC-SLP, Madison, WI - Lingual Pressure Impairment Thresholds for Unsafe and Inefficient Swallowing in ALS.
2020 Justine Allen, University of Florida - Utility of the 3-Ounce Water Swallow Test to Detect Aspiration in Cardiac Surgical Patients.
2019 Madeline Raatz, BS, University of Queensland, Brisbane - Developing System Requirements for Pediatric Feeding Assessments via Telepractice.
Second Place
2022 Amber Anderson, CCC-SLP, Gainesville, FL - Intra-and Inter-Rate Reliability for Making Visual Perceptual Ratings of Pharyngeal Residue Using a 100mm Visual Analogue Scale
on FEES.
2021 Sonja Molfenter, PhD, CCC-SLP, New York, NY - Within-subject Changes to Swallowing Metrics after Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Surgery.
2020 Renata Mancopes, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute - A comparison of swallowing physiology in adults with stable COPD and healthy adults.
2019 Laura Pitts, PhD, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa - Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Evoke Lingual Pressure in Stroke Survivors and Controls.
Third Place
2022 Erin Lucatorto, MA, CCC-SLP, Pittsburgh, PA - A preliminary investigation of similarities of high resolution cervical auscultation signals between thin liquid barium and water
2021 Munirah AlKuwaiter, MS, CCC-SLP, Evanston, IL - Scoring the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) in Two Conditions: A Reliability Study. | Khaled Adjerid, PhD, MS, Rootstown,
OH - The Effect of Automated Milk Delivery on Feeding Performance in Infants.
2020 Jennifer Barker, University Health Network - Identifying Post Extubation Dysphagia: Development of an Evidence Based Screening Algorithm.
2019 Ting-fen Lin, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon - Eating-Related Difficulties in Individuals with COPD.
The Sponsor-A-Student Program allows the members of the public, DRS members and the DRS Community to make donations to support student scholarships to attend the DRS Annual Meeting.
2021 Gabriella Andrade, University of St. Augustine, San Antonio, TX
Morgan Beard, University of St. Augustine, San Antonio, TX
Ankita Bhutada, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Cara Donohue, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Dhanush S, Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai India
Marina Shelton, University of St. Augustine, San Antonio, TX
Carey Smith, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN
Ting-Fen Lin, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
James Curtis, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Jessica Forbes, Howard University, Maryland
2020 Ting-fen Lin, University of Oregon, Oregon
2019 James Curtis, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
Jessica Forbes, Howard University, Maryland
Springer Publishing Travel Grant
The Springer Publishing Travel Scholarship is designed to provide support junior, international and out of field presenters to attend the upcoming DRS Annual Meeting and Post-Graduate Course. One travel scholarship will be awarded per
2020 James Borders, Columbia University, New York - Immediate effects of sensorimotor training in airway protection (smTAP) on cough outcomes in progressive supranuclear palsy
Justine Allen, University of Florida, Florida - Utility of the 3-Ounce Water Swallow Test to Detect Aspiration in Cardiac Surgical Patients
Outside of USA/Canada
2020 Amy Freeman-Sanderson, University of Technology - Sydney, Australia - A profile of patients with dysphagia following sepsis: new prevalence data.
Blanca Rojo, University of Auckland, New Zealand - Oral Health Programs for Adults with Disabilities: An Intervention Study.
The Steven B. Leder Award was created by the Dysphagia Research Society (DRS) to highlight clinically relevant research. This award honors Steve Leder, a prolific evidence-based clinical researcher, a dedicated clinician, and past-president
of the DRS. This award is made possible through contributions to the DRS Research and Education Fund.
2021 Cara Donohue, MA, CCC-SLP, Pittsburgh, PA - A Preliminary Investigation of Whether HRCA Signals Can Differentiate Between Swallows from Healthy People and Swallows from People
with Neurodegenerative Diseases.
2020 Lauren Tabor-Gray, Holy Cross Memorial Hospital, Phil Smith Neuroscience Institute, Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Concordant Validity of Digital Peak Cough Flow Meter to Assess
Voluntary cough Strength in Individuals with ALS.
2019 Barbara Messing, Milton J. Dance, Jr. Head and Neck Center, Johns Hopkins Voice Center, Baltimore, Maryland - Establishing a Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Clinical Pathway:
An Implementation Evaluation and Audit of Dysphagia-Related Services and Outcomes.
The Sumiko Okada International Fellowship Fund is a research grant honoring Sumiko Okada, a Japanese speech pathologist, who contributed to the field of dysphagia with her publications and yearly presentations and posters at DRS Annual
2022 Cara Donohue, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2021 Lauren Tabor-Gray, PhD, CCC-SLP, Fort Lauderdale, FL
2020 Samantha Shune, University of Oregon, Oregon
Alicia Vose, University of Florida, Florida
2019 Marie Jardine, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Sonja Molfenter, New York University, New York