About the DRS Institute for Education

The DRS Institute for Education (DRSIE) will serve as catalyst to advance the Society’s Research and Educational mission, as well as its long-term goals, in addition to the work that is otherwise being completed by other committees.  DRSIE will provide new ideas and initiatives to "incubate within DRS" that will enhance the society's growth.


The Institute’s scope of work includes:

  • Initially planning the recommended “second” conference

  • Recommend and promote continuing education in an annual webinar series

  • Develop consensus documents and position statements

  • Develop publications from the proceedings of the Society’s meetings in collaboration with the Dysphagia Journal

  • Develop interdisciplinary collaboration among members and enhance data sharing options

  • Develop grant applications to support educational activities

  • Inform the long-term strategic plan by identifying gaps that could be addressed by DRS so as to provide an opportunity to incorporate them into the next 5-year plan


Leadership Structure of the DRSIE: The proposed leadership structure for the DRS Institute for Education would include:

  • A DRS Board of Directors confirmed Chair based on the advice of the nominating committee

  • The DRS President and DRS President-elect as ex-officio voting members for their term on DRS

  • Up to 6 other members recommended by the Institute Chair and confirmed by the board (similar to the committee member plans) for a 3-year term

  • The specific length of terms is to be determined, with the goal of having a sustained and consistent representation on the Advisory Council. All inaugural members of the DRS Institute for Education will have 3-year terms and conclude after the initial evaluation of the Institute.Any of the inaugural members may continue for successive terms, following the review and evaluation of the Pilot Program.One should be a prominent senior clinician. Members would be recognized for their academic and scholastic status and represent a diverse background.Mid-career level academician should be on the committee.

  • Selection of the members of the DRS Institute for Education will include interdisciplinary representation, international representation, equal gender distribution, diversity and all-inclusiveness is strongly encouraged.As this concept is growing, a re-evaluation of the DRS-Institute for Education should be considered at the 3-year review.

Participation in DRSIE events and programming: All Individual in good standing with DRS membership can automatically gain from DRSIE related activities and gain the benefits of continued education upon expressing his/her interest. Individual academic programs related to the science of deglutition, airway and digestive concerns with relevance to swallowing can participate in DRSIE related activities as Program-Participant after formal application for DRS Membership. DRS membership gives individuals access to DRSIE educational and research presentations.


What are the benefits of being a participant of the DRSIE?

  • All those individuals who are not members of DRS but want to benefit from the learning offerings of the DRSIE are encouraged to apply for membership to DRS in order to gain from this new educational venture.

  • Benefits of being a DRS member may include but not limited to access to the educational activities at virtual meetings or in person meetings, networking with clinicians and researchers with shared interests, concessions at webinars and meetings, CME/CEU credits when applicable.

  • Opportunities for mentoring for mid-career and senior-career faculty

  • Faculty who participate in giving lectures, seminars and at the fall meetings will get obvious recognition for their teaching and participation. This can be reflected in evaluations.

  • Opportunities to form collaborative research networks.


Institutional Participation in educational and society offerings:

  • Institutional participation is encouraged so that multiple disciplines within the institution can have access to the state-of-the art educational materials during year-round learning. Currently majority of members are from SLP discipline. This approach will attract individuals in other specialties (Neurology, GI, Radiology, Pulmonology, ENT, Pediatrics, Nursing) to gain knowledge and pursue research and approaches in Deglutology and Aerodigestive sciences.