Pediatric Dysphagia SIG
The Dysphagia Research Society’s Executive Committee (EC, 2019-2020), Board of Directors (BOD, 2019-2020) and Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM, 2020) have approved the formation of Pediatric Dysphagia Special Interest Group (PD-SIG). The intent of the PD-SIG is to grow and retain DRS members specifically interested in swallowing and aerodigestive disorders that present during childhood through the formation of a “community” that:
  • Facilitates inter-disciplinary collaborations among members interested in advancing the science and clinical practice,
  • Fosters research and mentoring opportunities,
  • Provides input for the content of annual DRS and other face-to-face/virtual meetings as deemed appropriate,
  • Advocates for children and their caregivers, and
  • Develops evidence-based clinical guidelines for the improved care of children with dysphagia.

The concept of this SIG and its viability will be reviewed by the EC and BOD in three years. The initial PD-SIG board, as approved by DRS, will be comprised of seven core members with Sudarshan Jadcherla, MD, and Joan Arvedson, PhD, as its founding co-chairs. Their bios and those of the other five members forming the initial core group of the PD-SIG are listed below.

Membership on PED-SIG 
  • All those individuals that practice in the pediatric disciplines and are DRS members in good standing can have automatic membership on the PD-SIG upon expressing interest.
  • All those individuals who are not members of DRS but practice in the pediatric disciplines are encouraged to apply for membership to this new venture, so that benefits of PD-SIG can be accessible.
  • Benefits on being a PD-SIG member may include but not limited access to the PD-SIG activities at virtual meetings or in person meetings, networking with clinicians and researchers with shared interests, concessions at webinars and meetings, CME/CEU credits when applied through proper channel, and opportunity for advocacy at the DRS.

2023-2024 Committee Members

Please contact with your questions, suggested topics and ideas.

The DRS accepts donations to advance our goals through the DRS Research and Education Fund. If you are providing your donation for a specific purpose or in memory or honor of someone, please indicate so with your gift. Thank you!
