Latest News: DRS

July 2024 President’s Message

Tuesday, July 2, 2024   (0 Comments)

Dear Colleagues,

We are 3 months into our new DRS year and I am writing to provide a few updates! 

  1. Dash4Dysphagia: Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Dash4Dysphagia fundraising campaign as part of Dysphagia Awareness Month.  
    • Together, we were successful in raising $8,890 for our scholarship and mentorship programs. 
    • Special thanks go to our top individual fundraiser Jocelyn Hamilton, and the top fundraising team the Miami Dysphagia Dashers. 
    • If you haven’t already seen the clever and inspiring social media posts, check them out on our Instagram page!

  2. Webinars: Thank you to Hanne Massonet and Emma Wallace, who delivered outstanding presentations in our joint June webinar with the ESSD.  
  3. Dr. Bronwyn Jones Professorship: Those of you who attended our 2023 conference in San Francisco will remember the tribute to the late Dr. Bronwyn Jones, a trailblazing radiologist and a founding member and former president of DRS. On July 10, 2024 a special ceremony will be held at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, recognizing Dr. Jones’ contributions and dedicating a Professorship in her memory.  The ceremony will take place beginning at 4 p.m. EDT in the William H. Welch Medical Library West Reading Room, at 1900 East Monument Street in Baltimore, and will also be livestreamed at

  4. DRS Member Survey: Please watch your email inboxes for an important DRS Survey. This survey will collect critical information to guide our upcoming strategic planning for the next 5 years. Responses are requested by July 21. If you do not receive a survey, please reach out to the office to request a link.

  5. Code of Conduct: The DRS board has recently approved revisions to our society code of conduct. This important document establishes the conduct expected of DRS members and other participants in DRS activities; and identifies disciplinary action that may be taken when participants’ conduct does not align with these expectations. Please take moment to review the new policy at Code of Conduct - Dysphagia Research Society

  6. 2025 Conference: Planning is well underway for next year’s conference, to be held March 25-28 at the Sheraton Downtown in Philadelphia. Here are some highlights:
    • We have an exciting program planned, including two parallel tracks of symposia for the preconference day on Tuesday, March 25, and the addition of three hands-on workshops, which will be offered in the late afternoon on Thursday, March 27. 
    • We will be celebrating the recipients of the society’s most prestigious awards during the President’s Reception on the evening of Wednesday, March 26.  Please mark your calendars and plan to join us
    • The call for abstracts will open by August 1, 2024, with a deadline of September 30, 2024. This year, we will be considering abstracts for presentations that have been or will be presented at other conferences within 12 months of the DRS meeting, with appropriate disclosure.
    • Our Trainee Advisory Council will be hosting a webinar on August 15, 2024 at 4 p.m. providing tips on abstract submission and awards applications. Stay tuned for registration information.

As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me at   

Catriona M. Steele
2024 -2025 President